Daily Life, Remodel

Kitchen Progress

Fair warning, you’ll probably get picture overload.

So, the electricians came and did their job. We have all new wiring throughout the laundry room, kitchen, and dining room. The wiring was the catalyst for this whole project.

That black scorch mark going up the wall? That was all over the kitchen. Safety hazard? I think we’re blessed to still have a house.
New wiring and more outlets going in. There were several outlets in the kitchen that didn’t even work. Again, fire hazard.

The kitchen now has new lighting and lots more of it. The dining room that was so dark before is now bright in the day with the new windows and bright at night with the new lights.

The day after the electricians gave us the okay we started to drywall. Alex’s back hurts so I tried to pick up the slack where he needed me to. The missionaries from our church came and helped us out as well. They were a huge help. Alex can’t lift or bend over and the Elders brought all the sheetrock into the house for us. They helped hang some of it and did the remaining demo in the laundry room. I am very grateful for their help.

Alex and I hung the drywall for 9.5 hours the first day and about 4 hours the next day. We were exhausted! But, we got the kitchen and dining room done. I only mismeasured one outlet but I learned to read a tape measure accurately and got pretty quick at measuring and cutting sheetrock. I wouldn’t like to do it for a job but I think I did okay on our kitchen. We managed to waste very little. I used every scrap I could.

The lights work!
The kitchen view
We can’t see through to the laundry room anymore!
Drywall done in this room. The dog was constantly with us except when the saws were in use. She’s in a lot of the pictures.
View of both rooms from the hallway.
An empty space we discovered years ago behind the fireplace. Alex framed it in yesterday.
The closet is now a reality instead of an empty waste. And who doesn’t need more closets?
The old gold ceiling fan. I took it apart to paint it.
After the paint job. A penny saved and all.

So, you see why I’ve been absent for awhile. We’ve been super busy getting evrything together and done. Add birthdays, holidays, illnesses and a baptism in the mix along with the regulat daily upkeep of life and there’s only so many hours in the day. Our plan is to just hit the project hard so we can finish it quickly.

Electricians took four days time, not the two that were planned and so Alex and I are two days behind schedule. The flooring guy is coming Monday and we haven’t started the drywall in the kitchen and the floors still need to be prepped. Luckily it is mostly done so the plan is to get up early with the kids and get as much done before seven as we can. I’ll keep going once the kids are in school and hopefully wer should get all the essentials done on time.

It is all starting to take shape and the kids are getting excited. They like having the big empty space to run around in. I’m excited to have the construction dust and insulation mess gone. Three fine layer of dust on every surface is driving me mad. That and not having my kitchen above ground where I can see outside while I work. We’re so close to the finish line.

Funny story though. Older houses have lots of quirks. The electrician came down and asked what the plug next to the sink was for. I told him it went to the dishwasher. He looked at me incredulously and said, “There isn’t supposed to be a switch for the dishwasher.” “And yet,” I answered with a smile, “there is.” He said he’d fix it to be how it is supposed to be. I actually didn’t mind the switch. It allowed me to turn off power to the dishwasher so little kids wouldn’t start or stop the dishwasher when I wasn’t looking.

There is only one big hiccup. When we were putting up the sheetrock Alex noticed that the electricians forgot to wire for the range hood. Oops. They’ll have to get it when they come back to put the plugs and pendants in.

My plan is to have the flooring done this week and then I want to have these mudding, taping, texturing, and trim work done before the end of the year. We’ll see if I’m too ambitious or not.

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