Daily Life

Fictional Characters and Vacuum Cleaners

Oh, the tooth fairy. All other mythical characters have a set defined day. Not the tooth fairy. She must visit multiple times a year. Unpredictably. When you have three, soon to be four, kids in the tooth loss stage it can get overwhelming.

The day before yesterday I was looking at Gideon and asked if the baby teeth next to his big new front teeth were loose yet. He didn’t really respond. Then yesterday he showed me the same tooth and it was bent at a wonky angle. After school he was sitting on my lap clutching a slightly blood tinged wad of toilet paper. I thought maybe he’d moved the tooth a bit. He started playing with the tooth in his fingers. He’d pulled it out without any fanfare or todo. Yay! I remembered at 10:30 last night that the tooth fairy should visit but didn’t want to get out of bed. This morning he came in sad that he’d not found a dollar. I told him that the tooth fairy must have gotten confused because he had just moved to a new room. He thought it was logical. Oh, the lies some parents tell. His room was a disaster so I cleaned it up and made sure he could “find” the dollar after school. Ay-yi-yi.

Can I just say that the panic around the coronavirus is getting interesting. Toilet paper is the hot commodity, apparently. You can’t get it in stores. It’s gone in Utah. I will see tomorrow if that is true for Idaho.

So my vacuum had a part that was partially broken. The fan bit part of it had been worn down and broken over time. I found and ordered the part hoping it was the right one. It came today when I wasn’t expecting it until the weekend. Yay! I thought all I would need is a Phillip’s head screwdriver because that is what I use to take other parts of the vacuum apart to fix. Not so. I needed a Phillip’s head and two sizes of hex screwdrivers. Are you kidding me? I couldn’t find the screwdriver to save my life. I see it all the time, almost bbn literally everyday except today when I needed it. What should have been a 10-15 minute job turned into a couple hours of me sorting and cleaning out junk drawers, looking in the garage, decluttering several surfaces, etc. I found it underneath the table in the basement kitchen when I walked past on my way to switch laundry loads. Unbelievable. I got the vacuum fixed and I have to say I am quite proud of myself for doing that.

By the way, let me just say something about laundry. So much laundry today. It has gotten out of hand. I’m not even doing three of the kids clothes. The older ones do their own. My bedding alone was three loads today. We have two sets of washers and dryers. I dislike using the ones in the basement. They work okay and were free so I won’t complain. They are relics from the early 80’s. I got all but two loads done.

So for a couple hours after school got out I was wondering where Michael was. I hadn’t seen him. Finally right before dinner I asked Benjamin where he was. He’s old enough, I figured he’d just gone to his friends house. He was asleep in bed. He took an almost four hour nap. Growing I guess.

I spent the entire day cleaning and cleaning and fixing things and the house is a mess again and you can’t tell I’ve done anything. Water spilled on the floor? Clothes strewn on the floor (ones I’d separated and folded). Its enough to make someone lose their mind. It’s exhausting trying to keep up with these kids some days.

I’ll just get up again and do it tomorrow. Actually tomorrow I’m taking Evangeline to the dentist. Should be interesting since she doesn’t like strangers.

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